In addition to the delegated professional registration function or enrollment in RETHUS and professional card issuance, the ORGANIZACION COLEGIAL DE ENFERMERIA, must grant temporary permission to professionals who visit the country in scientific, investigative, humanitarian and social missions. These should not exceed six (6) months. The application process has no cost.
Legal, national or foreign entities that plan to carry out a humanitarian, scientific, service, social or humanitarian mission in Colombia will be able to carry out a transitional permit application for nurses through our institution, preferably via email: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. . The request will be sent with no less than 20 business days prior to the date of the mission.
It must be attached:
- Letter of application indicating the name of the requesting entity, full name of the legal representative, NIT (tax identification number) or equivalent internationally. Purpose of the mission, activities to be carried out by the nurses, number and type of population to be attended, dates of beginning and completion of the mission.
- List of full names and surnames of nursing professionals in respect of whom the transitional permit is requested.
- Passport, resume and report of validity of the license. To facilitate the verification of the license, the requesting entity will inform the website, indicating the shortcut link that allows an immediate report/look up of the license.
- Letter from the manager or director of the entity providing services where the activities corresponding to the mission are carried out, and by which it states clearly that the entity assumes the attention of eventual consequences in the patients assisted in the development of the mission.
- Affidavit stating that authorization will be requested from INVIMA, Colombian Institute for Drug and Food Surveillance, for the use of medicines, procedures and medical devices during the mission.
From the date of delivery of the information and documents indicated previously, our entity will issue in five (5) business day, a resolution with the corresponding authorization.
For more information consult Decree 4192 of 2010.